HEAART is a community focused initiative with a collaborative approach to increase local training and workforce opportunities in primary health, disability and aged care, achieving greater access to local health services, sustained by local people.

The initiative has been developed by HR+, a not-for-profit Rural Workforce Agency funded by the Australian Government to assess and address the primary care, disability and aged care workforce needs of rural and remote Tasmania.

Tailored for local communities, the HEAART initiative is designed to meet local needs and guide local people wanting a career in health or social care, on a pathway accessible within (or as close to) their hometown. We understand the challenges of limited training and employment opportunities close to home, which is why our goal is to support local communities to grow their own workforces and achieve greater access to local primary health, disability and aged care services.

“Local people meeting local needs.”

HEAART is a collaborative initiative that offers communities a co-designed solution; bringing together local people with local solutions designed to increase local and inclusive employment outcomes to grow a stronger local economy.

Who do we work with?

  • Community groups
  • Community leaders
  • Local councils
  • Registered Training Organisations
  • Schools / TasTAFE / Trade Training Centres
  • State and federal Government agencies
  • Training peak bodies
  • Primary health care services
  • Aged care services
  • National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) / Disability services
  • NDIS participants or nominees

Meet the awesome HEAART team

Meet the HEAART team

Our Mission

To improve:

  • access to primary health, allied health, disability (NDIS) and aged care services
  • training & employment opportunities in primary health, allied health, disability (NDIS) and aged care services
  • recruitment opportunities for primary health, allied health, disability (NDIS) and aged care employers

Our Vision

Everyone who needs help (from primary care, disability and aged care sectors) gets help.

Supporting communities to grow their own local health, disability & aged care workforces